A Story Told In Brushstrokes

I follow a beautiful facebook page Children in Art History and often share favourite paintings via this page on my personal facebook page.
One of Petit’s lovely customers was captured by Timoléon Lobrichon’s painting, Promenade des enfants, that I shared one day. She wrote to me to ask if Cindy Lotter (whose exceptional paintings are shown in our Art Gallery) could paint a replica of this beautiful painting for her. It would take pride of place in her next miniature project.
Cindy accepted this wonderful commission and worked over a period of five months on the painting - preserving the story and every intricate detail of it in 1:12 scale!
The painting left South Africa and arrived after a safe journey to be treasured by our customer. This was her happy and appreciative message sent straight from Cloud Nine:
"OMG!!!! It's outstanding! I love it! I feel like crying, it's so beautiful! Thank you!!!!
Many many thank you's for today!!!!"
I hope you will enjoy and appreciate this little masterpiece by Cindy after Lobrichon as much as we do.
If you would like to commission a special custom painting or a replica of your favourite painting by Cindy, please write to me with your request.
'Till we meet again.
- Francois -